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January 2025

Ed Caisse

January 9 2025

Virtual Networking Meeting

Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative
Meeting Notes

Date: January 9, 2025
Time: 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Place: Zoom Meeting

Mission Statement: The Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative is a partnership between local, state & federal law enforcement; city & state government; civic & human service organizations; faith based organizations; the business community; education providers; property managers; and residents coming together with a goal to create safe, healthy & economically viable neighborhoods through information sharing, identifying at-risk youth, referrals and community efforts in specific Holyoke neighborhoods.

Edward Caisse: Hampen County Sheriff's Office
My name is Eddie Caisse. I work for the Hampen County Sheriff's Office. I also drive the Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative. There's a couple of new faces on today, so, I just want to give an overview of how we run the meetings. Every month we have a speaker that speaks for about 15 minutes, then we go around the room and give everybody an opportunity to introduce themselves, say their agency, and talk about what agency resources, upcoming activities, or events their agency has.

The other thing is we have presenters scheduled until April. If any other agency is interested in taking that 15 minute slot, just send me an email and we'll get you plugged in.This month we're going to have Israel Rivera and Sue Covitz from Families First Western Mass. I'm going to turn it over to Izzy, our counselor in Holyoke, and Sue.

Israel Rivera and Sue Covitz: Families First Western Mass
Good afternoon, we could do introductions real quick for those of you that don't know me, I am Israel Rivera. I'm actually the Regional Director at Families First Western Mass. I say that I moonlight as a city councilor in Holyoke, because it's a part-time gig that takes a little bit more than part-time. We are here again because we presented sometime last year or the year before on the Power of Parenting, and it was around the time when we first expanded to Western Mass. Now, we're coming to still talk about the Power of Parenting a little bit, but to talk more about our second level of programming called the Ripple Program.

Sue Covitz: Families First Western Mass
Thanks Izzy, I'm Sue Covitz, and I'm the Executive Director of Families First playing a supporting role to Izzy most of the time, because as you all know, Izzy is the Regional Director out in Western Mass, so he's leading the work for us there. We do have a Boston office and one here in Watertown, Massachusetts, which is where I am today. We launched a few years back out in Western Mass, and I'll just say from my perspective, I just love working with all the partners, and collaborators out in Western Mass. Just a great community, as you all know, in Holyoke, Springfield, and Chicopee, where we work. So, I just appreciate these opportunities to share, and Ed for allowing us to get on the agenda. I see some familiar faces here from our work, so I'm sure there are others who could chime in.

We'll share a little information, as Izzy said, about the work we're doing, a reminder of who we are, and hopefully, answer questions if you have them, and an opportunity afterwards to connect. Izzy's around, and you can always find him out in Western Mass, so always great to have that opportunity as well.

Families First is not a new organization. We've been around in the State of Massachusetts, in different parts, mostly greater Boston, certainly concentrated in that area, for the past 35 to 40 years. We use this tagline, which is in a lot of our materials, I think is so critical, because we really do think about parents as a lever for change, both in their own families and with their children, but also in the community. That's what we're really here to talk about today. The second program really speaks to community engagement and parent leadership.

Our vision, and mission, haven't changed dramatically over the years, which is very parent centered. This is a mission that was revised a couple of years ago, and parents gave input into that revised mission statement. They picked the words Families First Partnering with Parents to amplify their power. I think that's something that is highlighted and bolded here, because we really do see that opportunity for parents to become levers for change in their communities.

Our vision, every parent is strong and supported, every community benefits from the power of parents, and every child is thriving and resilient speaks to the various levels of how we think about this work. It’s very important to focus in on parents, especially parents of young children since this is such a unique opportunity in early childhood. Parents spend the most time with their children, and are experts on their children. They really are the folks who know them best. We do see an opportunity here by focusing in on parents.

I mentioned this a little bit but there's a unique window of opportunity in early childhood, in particular, to impact brain development. There's a ton of research out there about that, and we presented on this the last time we were here when we talked about the Power of Parenting, because brain development is so rapid in early childhood.

Positive childhood experiences, which all of you are about, is what you think about working with youth and giving them those opportunities. That’s something that we really emphasize in our work. There could be a lot going on in the lives of families, but building up those positive childhood experiences, whether it's singing, talking, reading, playing sports, going for walks, whatever it is, those moments really build the foundation.

Parents are a child's first teacher, and one of the things we do know about parenting is that it doesn't work to parent in isolation. Having a community of people around you is critically important, and we work very hard to build a community so that parents have each other which decreases stress and increases access to other resources and support that often are needed for all parents.

Israel Rivera: Families First
So, what we do, just off the slide, you can see through our community-based partnerships. We work together to ensure all parents can fully engage their children’s, learning and development, and at the same time bring their lived experiences to advise and improve the local institution and policies that are vital for their children's success.
In a nutshell, some of the work that we’re focused on is trying to bring the parents together to experience different experiences, exchange different ideas, and methodologies that you learn as a parent, or that may have been passed down, via curriculum and going through our Power of Parenting curriculum. You'll see on the next slide where we have the Ripple Program, some of that is incorporated throughout that process.

Just a real, a quick refresher on the Power of Parenting Program, it’s comprised of 12 interactive sessions of the 12 sessions and sometimes they can be in person programming, or they can be online programs. In that, those sessions there are parent leadership opportunities, and what we say with parent leadership opportunities, one to two parents, depending on the size of the group, get selected to assist our our program coordinator, Yamadi Rivera. Some of you guys know who she is. Awesome lady does a lot of great work in the community, and with us at Families First.

They work alongside her to ensure retention within the program. They end up calling parents, they also send emails, and make sure that they are establishing the relationship with parents that may be feeling uncomfortable within the program, or maybe feeling like they missed the program, and need some moral support to come into the program to the next for the next session.

I think, for us, what's important is the next level after parents graduate from our programs or complete our programs. The next level is the Ripple Program, and this is what we are here more here to talk about. We also have alumni services that are offered to all of our parents that graduate from our programming; whether it's Ripple Program or The Power of Parenting. What that looks like could be a potential info session where we bring in a partner that can help educate them on resources that they have access to within the communities; whether it's in Holyoke, Chicopee, or Springfield. We have a variety of different partners that we're working with throughout the community or throughout the region.

Some of you are online, and I think for us, in this Ripple Program, what's important for me, not only as the employee here as a regional director, but as a community leader within the community, is that we're helping parents build leadership or assisting them in the path in learning to see and experience what leadership looks like through the Ripple Program.

Through that program it's a four session program where they take, and later on you will see the slides where it literally identifies what some of the sessions are, the focus for them to realize and go through the process of what it is to step up and be a leader within their community. Some of these parents are identified as parent leaders within the program, or some of them actually express interest within the Power of Parenting Program. When they express this interest, Yamadi, and myself along with other coordinators throughout the region, we recommend these parents to move on to the next program, which is the Ripple Program.

Why parent leadership? Why is it important? Here we have a quote from manifesto of Race and Equity and Parent Leadership in the Early Childhood Systems, from the Center for the Study of Social Policy, “When parents are engaged as partners and leaders in the programs and policies that support young children's learning and healthy development, children thrive and systems improve.”

As Sue mentioned previously, parents are vital, and we all know that parents are vital, but parents play a larger role in the kid's life when they get sent home from school, or they get sent home from Eddie Cassie’s basketball program. At the end of the day, I believe there are three facets that go in through these children's lives. It's your home with your parents; you go to school, because you're at school seven to eight hour days, and then you go to some form of after school program, if you have that. Those are your influences throughout the day, and if home is not okay, then sometimes, that overpowers all the other influences that are trying to influence a child, to move in a direction that is a positive direction.

Why parent leadership? Some parents are doing the best that they can, and I would say a lot of them are. Even for myself, I have a three year old and a five year old, and there are challenges that come up and arise that I may need help with, and I need to exchange ideas with other parents.

Here, for me, or for us as the organization, what's important in the parent leadership piece is enabling parents to be able to speak up and have the power and feel like its okay. “Hey, Ed, I need to talk to you about something with my child,” and not be afraid to come and talk to you, or talk to any other partner that's here, and be okay with being able to advocate for themselves. Some of them are really good at doing this, but there are others them it's more of a challenge, and not that they can't do it, it's just they might need to be exposed more, or might need a push, and might need to be gain that confidence in doing that.

Sue Covitz: Families First
I will speak just briefly on this, because I know we don't have a ton of time. We partner with organizations so we work with partners to identify the families that might be interested in a program like the Power of Parenting or Ripple. We think of it as different levels, this is for Ripple, specifically, which is the Parent Leadership Community Engagement model, there's different levels that partners can join at. You could either offer parent leadership training to parents and families, then there could be a staff training which is also to support the parents and staff to work together, and then we have access to online portal resources if you want to work on a specific project, a piece of the work that is done in Ripple.

Then there's the full work you could do which is to really go through the training, both the staff and parents, were we support you as you build a project in the community. Level 3 is really as you advance along.

Just to give a sense of what it looks like, the parent training session, this is not, again, the Power of Parenting which is parenting focus, this is Ripple, which focuses on building strong teams, effective communication,
Systems change, parenting, advocacy, goal setting, planning, and how do you think about a project you might want to work on. So, we do gear the training. There's great skills-based training here. There are things you could take away and use elsewhere. You could also use it because the program has another piece, another component, as a way to continue and work on a project in the community.

The staff training, just a brief overview of that family engagement parent leadership systems change, and what does it mean to work together with families on a project?

Israel Rivera: Families First
The community impact project is a part of the Ripple program. The Ripple Program is composed of two pieces: it’s kind of like going to Dean Tech, if you understand Dean Tech analogy right? One week of shop and one week of work/school work. The six months within the five month project you're working with a partner,
hands on, on a particular project. In the beginning piece of the Ripple program. The first six sessions, that was literally your schoolwork, in a sense.

After completing that and being accepted into a community impact project with a potential partner, or with us as Families First, you're working hand in hand with a project leader to deliver either a project that was designed by parents, a project that's delivered, or that a partner is trying to deliver themselves.

I think a good example for us at Families First here in Western Mass. We designed last year three alumni events for parents in the community, one, I think was housing awareness, and then another one on financial education.

So, the idea behind was that the parents together designed like this idea of things that are important to us right now. With that, together, we got some resources and talk to some partners, and they were able to organize this and provide this as resources to families within the community. So, where it comes down to, the final project, what we ended up doing with the parents was a gala where they were able to raise money and partner with the organization Families First, to bring parents in and bring in different partners and provide that space.

That, for us, is where the parents are not just us, but the parents themselves; they're literally the ones making the phone calls. They're the ones reaching out to the different partners. They're identifying the partners. The only thing as a partner, as the project lead, is the vegetable that allows that contact to that particular partner that they're looking for, or that particular contact that they need because they might not have access to that.

There are other projects, if Sue can go to the next slide. We’re in Boston. They particularly in Western Mass, we're fairly new. A lot more of the Ripple program work has been concentrated on the other side of the State, but what we've been doing is we’ve worked with Springfield Works. Currently, we're actually working with them on a project and have worked with them in the past on different projects. Here, this one that we worked with Pre-k Boston, and helped them create a parent advisory council in collaboration with our community impact project. These are things that are out here.

I'm trying to form a PTO at Kelly School with my parents where my daughter goes. Right now, it's only two or three parents that are attending. We don't all understand what a PTO is, right? These are the kind of things that when you're going through these kinds of programming and having this type of help in collaboration with someone that's helping you guide this. The school department reaches out and says it would be great to have a partnership to help build that PTO out. This is something that the Ripple Program allows for in collaboration with Families First, or in collaboration with the part with the parents, if that's something the parents decide to do if they want to move forward with collaborating with us.

Sue Covitz: Families First
Izzy, I think I think we're close to time. So, I'm wondering, Israel what you'd like to. There is a ton of outcome data that we could share on the work we do. I don't know if you want to skip past that and go.

Israel Rivera: Families First
Yeah, we could skip past that. I think one of the things that’s important for me to share is we have programs for parents that are coming within the next spring semester. We have Power of Parenting Programs that are going to be online, mostly. I have, maybe, one in person program. They will be in Holyoke and Springfield. They're for parents that have kids between the ages of zero to eight. They're in English and Spanish, and we have the curriculum in Haitian, Portuguese, and is it Mandarin?

Israel Rivera: Families First
In case we have any families that need to actually read the translation. I see Ashley there online, who's actually a graduate from our program, it's awesome to see you.

Ultimately, it's a great connection for us, and it’s important for us to make sure that parents are getting the resources and then getting connected to the resources out in the community. If anybody's interested, if any has questions, feel free to email me, my phone number is there. It's actually on the city website too, as well. Feel free to reach out to me, and call me. If you know Yamadis Rivera feel free to reach out to her as well. We're
willing to collaborate with anyone with regards to bringing parents in, and, at the same time, if you would like to run a program in collaboration, feel free to reach out to as well.

Edward Caisse: Hampden Sheriff’s Office
Hey, Izzy, I just want to say thank you so much for joining us. If you guys have any questions you can go ahead and put them in the chat. I'm sure they'll monitor the chat, and they'll answer your questions. We'll also get those questions inside the meeting notes as well. I just want to explain the next portion of the meeting for those that just came on a little late.

We are going to start at the end of the alphabet this month. One month we start in the beginning, one month we start at the end. So, this month we're going to start at the end of the alphabet. The way you show up on the participant screen is the order that I'm going to call on you. I do ask people when you're speaking, if you don't mind putting on your cameras because for us, a lot of us, we’re trying to develop relationship, not just with youth and families but with agency representatives. Seeing a face, and putting a face to a name, it is very important for us.

The other thing, I want to apologize in advance. If I do pronounce your name wrong, sorry about that, forgive me. So, we're going to start at the end of the alphabet, and you can just mention your name, your agency, if you don't have any updates, or you don't want to share any agency information, you can just say no updates.
Then we'll go to the next person. We're going to start with Waya Bey.

Agency Overview and Updates:
Waya Bey: Westover Job Corps
I'm a Student Government Coordinator for Westover Job Corps in Sugar Bee. Just here to try to network.

Tonja Paone: Northeast Center for Youth and Families
Hi, good afternoon. I'm Tanya Peoni from Northeast Center for Youth and Families. We offer a variety of services; individual therapy, mentoring, clinical services, residential services, as well as foster care. I am from the Foster Care Department, and so I think this is like my third or fourth time joining. It's been wonderful to learn of all the other providers and supports that are out there in the community. We are always looking for anybody that you know would be interested in doing foster parenting and also becoming more and more involved in the community in order to get our name out there. Thank you so much for having us.

Timothy Powis: Hampden Superior Probation
Hi there! Timothy Powis from Hampden Superior Probation, nothing to add.

Thomas Ellis: Center for Human Development (CHD)
Hi! My name is Tom Ellis. I work for CHD in the Safety Zone. What we do is we provide three weeks housing to emergency situations for youth who are risk for running away or homeless. We also do preventative services as well. I'm actually looking to get some networking and outreach done. If anybody has some
places where I can put a table up and hand out some information that would be awesome if you leave it in the chat, or if you can reach me on my email, Thank you so much.

Stefany Garcia: Holyoke Public Schools
Hi, everybody! Stefany Garcia! I work for the Holyoke public schools. I have transitioned roles. I am working with the McKinney-Vento Families that we service through the district. So, I'm happy to be here and see in everybody's face. No updates.

Shannon Sarkisian: Springfield Technical Community College
Hi, everyone. My name is Shannon Sarkeesian. I haven't been to these meetings in a minute, so, it's nice to see some friendly faces again. I currently work at Springfield Technical Community College and coordinate their transition to college program. It's a program that specifically supports adult students who recently got their GED or HiSET in their first two semesters of credit bearing work. Which, especially with free Community College in Massachusetts, there’s a ton of new students so it’s really easy for students to get lost in the mix? My program, specifically, has a priority for dese funded programs, adult basic ED programs.

It gives a lot of hands on advising mentorship, English writing support and that's what I am recruiting for the September semester. I know that sounds really far away, but I usually have my program full by March or April. If you have any clients, or if you're interested in this for yourself more than happy to connect.

Millie Ruiz: Wayfinders
Good afternoon, everybody. My name is Millie Ruiz. I am the outreach mobility specialist at Wayfinders, and I have no updates. Thank you.

Miguel Arce: Springfield College; School of Social Work
Hi, Ed, Miguel Arce from Springfield College School of Social Work, and just available to talk with anyone about going to whatever Higher Education Institute you're interested in attending. Thanks for providing us these opportunities.

Michelle Daries: Department of Children and Families
Hey, everybody Michelle Daries, from the Department of Children and Families. I'm a recruiter for foster care and adoption. We offer information sessions, Mondays at 5:30, Thursday mornings at 10, and we just added a couple more, one in Spanish twice a month. We also have one once a month on Wednesday nights. There's a lot of opportunities to come learn about foster care and adoption. My information is in the chat. Thank you, guys.

Meghan Lemay: Alzheimer's Association
Hi, everyone! My name is Megan Lemay. I work for the Alzheimer's Association. We have a lot of great free education programs and information for caregivers. So, anyone who's impacted or caring for someone living with Alzheimer's disease or any form of dementia, not just Alzheimer’s. We have resources for caregivers, but also for individuals living with Alzheimer's or dementia. If you're concerned about your own memory or the memory of a loved one, please give us a call. We staff a 24/ 7 helpline that's a really great, a free resource for everyone in the community. We serve people all over the State and the country. We’re a big nonprofit, but I'm located here in Springfield.

We also, next week, are actually offering a couple free virtual trainings for EMS, specifically. So, First responders, EMS, firefighters, and police, and those are free virtual programs happening next week. I'll put that information in the chat, and you can always give us a call or email if you have any questions about anything related to Alzheimer's or dementia. Thank you so much.

Laura Jansen: Baystate Family Advocacy Center
Hi, everybody! I'm Laura Jansen, a Clinical Director at Baystate Family Advocacy Center, which is the CAC for Hamden County. We provide services 0 to 24 for those who have experienced trauma or are victims of CSEC, and then throughout the lifespan for homicide bereavement. Our therapy wait list for zero to 24 right now is closed, but we are accepting clients through the lifespan for homicide bereavement. We do have openings for case management. My email is in the chat. So, any other questions you can contact me directly.

Jennier Rolan: Western Mass Care Solution
Good afternoon, everybody Jennier Rolan here. I am the Community Outreach for Western Mass Care Solution. I'm actually updating the chat right now with all my contact information. We are a new team in the Western Mass area, predominantly in Springfield, but we are working our way out. Right now there's no updates, because we're still getting our toes wet.

We do have notary one on one classes that we've been offering for 50 bucks. What that entails it gives you three signatures from the people within the class, along with a notary signature, and then you would have to provide yourself with a lawyer, and then your resume to be able to send it off and become a notary.

Gloria Penagos: Holyoke Community College
Hi, I’m from Holyoke Community College. We still have openings for the free job trainings and the line cook program for evenings. So, the idea is asking you, with your all your clients, if somebody else interested in this free job training for line cook. We still have openings for the evenings, and probably two or three spots during the day. The other trainings are still open. Thank you so much for this networking and thank you again, Ed. Happy 2025.

Gerardo Torres: WayFinders
Hello, everyone! My name is Geraldo Torres. I'm a resident of Holyoke. I'm a resident advocate for Way Finders. I'm a volunteer for Way Finders. Thank you, Ed.

Georgie Brown: One Holyoke, CDC
Hi, everyone! My name is Georgie. I'm a Community Engagement Coordinator at One Holyoke, CDC. The big thing is that we have our Holyoke Works Holyoke Leads program coming up. It's gonna be a six week program of classes focused on workforce development and leadership development in the community. I don't have all the information yet, but once I do, I will be sending that along. If you know of any community members who might be interested in something like that, I'll put my information in the chat and please reach out. Thanks and that's collaboration with Wayfinders, too. I don't know if anyone's here from there to talk about it. Thanks.

Flor Diaz: Holyoke and Chicopee WIC
Hi! Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Flour Diaz. I'm the Holyoke and Chicopee WIC Community Coordinator. I have nothing to report. We are looking for a program assistant for our Holyoke WIC office.
I can add the information on the chat, on who to contact, but you can also contact me. My information is on the chat, and that's all I have for now. Thank you.

Elizabeth Veillette: CHD's Emergency Family Shelter System
Hi, everyone. I'm Elizabeth. I am the Employment and Training Navigator for CHD's Emergency Family Shelter System. Nothing to report today.

Elizabeth Hamel: Holyoke Public Schools; Morgan Elementary
Hi, everyone. I am the Phase Coordinator here at Morgan Elementary. I think it's a good time to speak; I work closely with Ed about our Family fun nights that happen once a month. We're having one I believe we said the 29th of this month. It would be a good time if you want to have a table out with information. These nights would be good, because we have at least 70 to 100 families at the event. If you're interested, my information is in the chat. So, just let me know.

Dorothy Prieto: CAPV's Head Start and Early Learning Programs
Hey, everybody. I work for CAPV's Head Start and Early Learning Programs and we service the areas: All of Franklin County, all of Hampshire, and we do Western Hampden counties. Right now, we have a current opening for our Head Start at Home Program in Western Hampden County.

If you know anybody that is either pregnant or has a child up to the age of three all of my contact information is in the chat. You can give me a call or just apply online. If anybody has any questions, just shoot me an email, and I will be happy to answer any questions you have. You guys have a good day.

Lisa Carbonell-Correa: Care Consultant for the Alzheimer Association
Hi! My name is Lisa. I am a Care Consultant for the Alzheimer Association. We provide educational programs in English and Spanish, and I see that Megan Lemay, the regional manager, is here, too.
Nothing to report. Thank you.

Delvis Hernandez: Holyoke River Valley
Hi, everyone. I work for Holyoke River Valley. I'm a health educator. We're always looking for anybody that works with student or the youth, in general, that's interested in us coming in and teaching our curriculum. If you have any questions or you're interested, feel free to reach out, we can show you the curriculum ahead of time, and we can kind of talk about what it could look like if you're interested.

I also work for a Suicide Prevention Program for the CDC. We're trying to do some focus groups towards the end of this month, early February for men that work in high risk occupations. I'll post the flyers for that in the chat as well as my email. If you have any questions or you're interested, or I can even go to your organization, drop off flyers as well. Thank you.

Deb Snape: MassHire Hamden County Workforce Board for a Youth Grant
Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you to Ed for sending out a job posting yesterday from MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board for a Youth Grant management specialist. We are expanding our roles in schools so that person will primarily work bridging the gap between schools and some of our other youth programs.

We are also the Mass Air Workforce Board is issuing an RFQ tomorrow for vendors that might be interested in providing youth work services. That’ll be posted on the Mass Hire website. I can also forward it for distribution, but encourage people organizations. If you're interested in doing youth works to apply.

Damasco Santiago: Tapestry Syringe Access Program
Good afternoon, Damasco Santiago from Tapestry Syringe Access Program in the city of Holyoke. Not really much to report, just always available for Narcan presentations and availability to any community member, agency that is in need, or any family that may need or be accessed to definitely have access to all the Narcan and training available for the community.

Catherine Gobron: Director at Lighthouse Holyoke
Hey, everyone. I'm Catherine Gabron. I'm the Director over here at Lighthouse Holyoke. It's a whirlwind every year. Lighthouse in July bought the former Gateway City Arts complex down here on Ray Street. So, we now have 2 venues renamed as “De La Luz Soundstage” and “De La Luz Divine.”

There is programming happening in those and simultaneously developing a couple of vocational tracks for the students to learn lighting and sound and live event production, and also culinary stuff in the kitchen and the cafe that's about to open. So, today, the fridge guy was here. The oven guy was here. There's a lot happening.

We're really trying to make this a real community resource, and so please be in touch about hosting events. We just had the Care Centers event here in March and Mass Humanities is about to have a thing. So, we really want to make this as as accessible as possible. One of the ways that we're hoping to do that is to get sponsorships to buy banks of free tickets that we can give to other nonprofit agencies that you can distribute among your staff or your or clients, and to make the the amazing cultural programming that we're that we're having here and going to continue having here really available to everyone.

If you're interested in being part of that program, please let me know. We are excited to give away free tickets, and Lisa Fisher is gonna be here. She’s was the backup singer for Rolling Stones. She's gonna be here and Sweet Honey on the Rock is coming in February. So, there's some really cool stuff coming down that we'd really like to make, because, obviously, we have to pay the artists, but we really want to make it. The audience have access to it. So, lots of stuff happening. Thanks for the time.

Cassie Giardina: Rise Above Foundation
Hello, everybody! My name is Cassie. I am the community outreach manager for Rise Above Foundation. We're a nonprofit that gives funding to youth and foster parents, youth in foster care ages zero through 23. We accept individual requests for anything, from an instrument, to voice lessons, to summer camp, to sports equipment, sports fees, and college textbooks, and literally so much more. Basically, as long as it's a positive experience for the youth, and they're in the care and custody of DCF. We would love to provide funding for them. It can be a youth that's in a foster home, in a residential setting is, between the ages of 17 and 23, and living on their own, they are all eligible for funding.

Two unique things that we do is we do send care packages to youth that are continuing their education beyond high school, every spring and fall. It has a bunch of snacks, school supplies, gift cards, and really nice handwritten notes from volunteers. We send out about 350 every spring and fall, and that can be college vocational program, any sort of educational pursuit after high school.

Lastly, we provide launch boxes, which is a big box with brand new kitchen supplies, cleaning supplies, small appliances, for young adults in foster care that are transitioning into their first new home, and we deliver those. It also has a good size chunk gift card in there.

Overall, just trying to support youth and young adults in foster care. If you are part of a college, a university, or an agency that works with youth or families in foster care, I'd love to connect. I know there are a few folks in the room, but I don't think I caught your email. If it was in the chat. I'm gonna send all my stuff in the chat right now.

We serve you statewide, I'm personally in Western mass, but we have a small team that's located throughout the state. So, if you want to hear from us in person, virtually, we'd love to share more if it's applicable.

Carla Poulos: Women's Money Matters.
Hi, I'm Carla. I'm from Women's Money Matters. We run financial wellness programs for women and girls living on low incomes. We constantly have groups starting up. They'll go for 12 weeks. At the end of this month, actually, we have one for girls, ages 14 and up. It's virtual. We are all over the State and we have some openings. So, if you're interested in my contact, info is in the chat. Check us out. We already have. We always have tons of programs, and it's for women and girls all ages. Thanks.

Messiah Allah: Choice Recovery Center
Hi! My name is Messiah. I work for Choice Recovery Center, coaching as a Republican specimen.
We offer recovery coaches as well as free recovery.

Carl Borden: Scouting America
Hello, Carl Borden, from the Scouting America. The reports are that scouting is growing in Holyoke. We have over 20 kids involved in the four programs we're offering on Wednesdays and Thursdays, down at Mount Tom Lodge, which is across the street from the library.

We serve kids ages five, through 20 through through our different programs. We're always looking for more opportunities to network with other communities. There is a benefit for kids in foster care to join scouting. Somehow, it's either membership fee is paid for or reimbursed to the families. For those families that don't qualify for that, We do have scholarships available.

We're looking forward to having a lot of great programs this year. My information's in the thing. It's the units are all number 2, 3, 5, and if you wonder where that number comes from, that's the address of the building.

Betsy Santiago: Preferred Behavioral Health
Hi, good afternoon. I'm from Preferred Behavioral Health. We are mental health services. Part of their administration staff we offer in-home therapy, therapeutic mentoring, outpatient therapy, psychiatrists on staff, and we also have parenting groups. Thank you for having us.

Ben Abbott: Family Preservation Project and Community Legal Aid
Hello! I'm Ben Abbott. I'm the case manager for the Family Preservation Project and Community Legal Aid. We're the civil Legal Aid program for all of Central and Western Massachusetts, primarily serving people below 125% Federal poverty guideline, and people 50 plus.

We have offices in Worcester, Springfield, Northampton, Pittsfield, Fitchburg, and as of last month, we now have a Greenfield office that's fully staffed.

Specialize in Housing family law for domestic violence, survivors, education law primarily for children with disabilities or disciplinary concerns, elder law for people over 60 benefits and employment and immigration. Our newest initiative, The Family Preservation Project that I work for works with families who are involved with the department of children and families based on concerns that are primarily poverty related challenges.
We try to provide legal services and other legal resources to stabilize the family and avoid family separation and foster care when possible.

We also have special projects to help vulnerable populations, including, veterans, formerly incarcerated people, and victims of crime who are facing several legal issues. I left referral information and also my personal email for any Family Preservation Project questions in the chat.

Alisha Durocher: HTS Head Start
Hi, everyone I am from HTS Head Start. We primarily offer childcare to low income families, but we do have a workforce readiness program coming up that is available to people in the community, not just parents of our children. It'll be starting up in February. It is seven weeks long. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, each week from 9am to 12pm and it’s at our Head Start location.

It will be focusing on work, readiness and financial literacy. We will be emailing a flyer to Ed, and we can send that out to anyone who is interested. My email is up in the chat. If anybody has any questions or wants more information, please feel free to reach out.

Ashley Stackow: Neighbor to Neighbor
Hi, I'm a resident of Holyoke, a three time graduate of Power Parenting. I'm also in the nonprofit organization, Neighbor Neighbor, and I also work along with Ed sometimes.

Aleyx Bernard: Pa’lante Transformative Justice
Hi, so I work with Palante Transformative Justice as the drop in and admin coordinator. We've been pretty busy. Right now we're open Monday through Friday 3pm to 7pm and inside those hours we have a whole bunch of different things.

We have a community closet where youth are able to pick out some clothes, bring them home, or pick out clothes for friends if they need to, and we're also doing a mindful raid series. So, a lot of the time when youth get arrested they do end up getting court appointed anger management classes. So, this is an alternative where, they kind of get more of an understanding with peers about what led up to the moment and what's going on and how to move forward.

On top of that, we are gonna be opening and in partnership with the Food Bank of Western Mass. So, our food pantry will start on January 14th will be open 3:30.p.m. to 5.p.m., and then, after that we'll be operating every Tuesday, the 1st and the 3rd of the month. That’s all I have to report.

AJ Beatty: Hope For Holyoke Peer Recovery Support Center
Hi, everyone! My name is Aj Beatty, and I am a Peer Recovery Coach at the Hope For Holyoke Peer Recovery Support Center over on Suffolk Street. Not much news, but for parents and families, I do want to take the opportunity to invite any parents that are in recovery or, and particularly, if they have DCF involvement we encourage to come to our center on Thursdays when we have our parent project group through Moore, which is Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery. If you have folks that you work with that might be interested in that feel free to reach out to me. I can send you a copy of the Flyer from Moore for that, as well.

Adlyn Colon: Holyoke Community College
Hi! Good afternoon, everybody, and Happy New Year to everybody that haven't seen you before. I work for Holyoke Community College, Adult Education program.

We offer headset and GED preparation classes, Downtown Holyoke and Maple Street. I work as a volunteer for Wayfinders and expanding a little bit about Georgie from One Holyoke was saying, and that is Wayfinders have partnered with Help One Holyoke to help our community get a job. That means we're going to be offering workshops. Different workshops like interview preparation, resume writing, proper attire, and public speaking. Different workshops to assist people on finding a job. Thank you.

Abbie Germaine: Viability, INC
Hello! Good afternoon. Thanks, Eddie. I'd like to do three things today. First, I just want to thank Izzy and Sue for that great presentation Families First is an amazing organization. If you don't know about it, I suggest that you take a look at their flyer and get involved. But a great program. Thank you for that.

Also, I just wanted to give a quick update for those of you that have been on this call. Welcome back if you're new. I previously have been representing the Western Mass Moms Partnership Program at Viability. It was a three year study. We were able to enroll hundreds of moms, taking a look at maternal mental health, and how it affects income and stability and just family well-being.

I did put a link in the chat to a website if you want to check it out. That's our first descriptive report. What that does is it kind of outlines the way that our program was implemented. There's some testimonials from our community partners and our moms participants. It’s just a really kind of great first publishing of what we're all about. Our study is going to take a little while. There's follow up surveys in 6 months and 18 months after enrollment, and we're looking at things like depressive symptoms and just kind of checking out the family as we move along.

The final report is not going to be out for a couple of years, but it's kind of cool to see our first descriptive report. We're really excited to share that with the public. I did put it in the chat, but I'm happy to send it via email if I haven't already, so, please check that out.

Lastly, my new role at Viability is called business developer. If you don't know about Viability, we're a nonprofit in Massachusetts. We're also across state lines in a couple other states. What we do is we work with individuals, we help them find employment. We do a lot of career readiness we support with resumes. Some of our folks have disabilities, so they work with a job coach on the site.

That will help them complete the job at hand and there's different levels of folks that we service again with and without disability. If you are representing an agency that has employment needs, I would love to schedule a call and get connected.

We have a big pool of skilled and interested, eligible employees. That might be a good fit for your location. So, again, my name's Abby from Viability. I want to thank everyone that supported the Moms Partnership Program over the last three years. It's been really exciting work, and we're excited to kind of see. The final results of that. So, thanks again. And Eddie, happy New Year! Everybody thanks.

Stefany Garcia: Holyoke Public Schools
Hello, everyone! My name is Ada River, and I work as a homeless service assistant and as an enrollment clerk at the Holyoke Public school, and I don't have any update right now.

Art Lobdell: Holyoke Rotary Club.
Hello, Art Lobdell, today representing the Holyoke Rotary Club. We have lots of things that are happening.
Right now, we are looking for students to be participating in RILA, which is The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards that is happening in June. It's an opportunity for young people to get together and learn some leadership skills. So, we have that happening.

In the next couple of weeks we are starting to send out applications for the Rotary Scholarships that are awarded in June for folks that will be going on to higher education in September. Those awards, again, will be made in June. We are gearing up for our eat, drink, and be Holyoke. That will be happening in April this year. That's a change of timeframe than we've had before.

We are doing our flags for heroes. That, again, will be at the library in Holyoke. We have 50 American flags and looking for folks to represent and honor people. We have a second field of flags going up in South Hadley. I think those are the big things going on right now in the Holyoke Rotary Club we meet on the third Tuesday at the Holyoke Library or sometimes other locations if we are bumped. Thank you.

Edward Caisse: Hampden Sheriff’s Office
I guess that's it for everyone. I just have one thing; I just placed in the chat, the flyers for the back to school event. I know some of you are new to being on this meeting, and I know some of you may not be familiar with the back to school event, I will send that out. I've been waiting for the video from last year's event. Hopefully, I get it this week, and when I do I'll send that out as well so you have a little bit better idea of what the back to school event is all about.

We typically have 40 agency resource tables at that event. We usually handpick some agencies that we really want to be there, because we know that they have resources that can help youth and families, but if your agency is interested when you see those emails go out, just respond to the email. That’s all I have for today. Thank you guys for all the work that you do. Have a great rest of the week, and hopefully we'll see you next month, and next month.

February 26th, we will be doing an in-person meeting at the Summit View Banquet Hall and lunch will be served. We have capacity of for approximately 120 folks; it will be first come, after we send out the announcement, which should be on Monday, January 27th. Thank you so much again, have a great rest of the week. Take care.

Chat Notes:

Abbie Germain- Viability, INC
Checking In- Abbie Germain Business Developer- Viability, INC 413-217-0348
Israel Rivera
Israel Rivera- Families First Regional Director - 413-552-9350
Mary Loughman
Hi I am having technical issues can't access my video or audio my name is Mary I am from Caring Health Center I am a CHW and Community Outreach
Tonja Paone
Tonja M. Paone, LSWA
aleyx bernard
Aleyx Bernard- Pa'lante Transformative Justice Drop in and Admin coordinator 413-200-0624 and (I am eating but once i finish i will have my camera on)
Jennifer Rolon
Jennifer Rolon- Community Outreach Coordinator for
Betsy Santiago
Betsy Santiago
Jennifer Rolon
sorry for Western Mass Care Solutions
Carla Poulos- Women's Money Matters
Carla Poulos- Women's Money Matters. We run financial wellness programs for women and girls living on low incomes. We have a program starting the end of this month for girls ages 14+ (virtual). Please reach out if you are interested
Catherine Gobron
Hi All! Catherine Gobron, Director for LightHouse Holyoke,
Tonja Paone
Tonja M. Paone, LSWA Northeast Center for Youth and Families. We offer foster care, therapy, mentoring and other clinical services. I work in the foster care program and recruit for those interested in foster parenting.
Alisha Durocher
Alisha Durocher - Family Services Supervisor at HCS Head Start -
Sue Covitz
Sue Covitz, Executive Director, Families First
Ben Abbott- CLA
Ben Abbott, Case Manager, Family Preservation Project, Community Legal Aid. Referrals: or 855.CLA.LEGAL. FPP questions can go to my email
Timothy Powis
Timothy Powis, Probation Officer, Hampden Superior Probation
Elizabeth Veillette
Elizabeth Veillette, CHD
Betsy Santiago
Betsy Santiago part of the Administration- Preferred Behavioral Health 310-3681
Flor Diaz
Flor Diaz Holyoke/Chicopee WIC Community Coordinator (413)612-0214
Michelle Daries
Hi Shellie Daries, Foster Care Recruiter for the Department of Children and Families. Please contact me at or by phone at (413)452-3247.
Deb Snape
Deb Snape, Director of Youth Career Pathway Initiatives Masshire Hampden County Workforce Board
Diana Biagioli, Federation for Children with Special Needs
Diana Biagioli, Transition Specialist, Federation for Children with Special Needs
Damasco Santiago
Good afternoon, Damasco Santiago Program Manager of Tapestry Syringe Access Program. 306 Race st, Holyoke, Ma. 01040. (413) 315-3732 Ext. 104.
Adlyn Colon
Adlyn Colon - HCC Adult Education - Intake Specialist. We offer GED/HiSET preparation classes. - 413-552-2927. Wayfinders Resident Avocate.
Delvis Hernandez
Delvis Hernandez, Health Educator at Holyoke River Valley, we’re looking for any schools, group homes, or after school programs that would be interested in our curriculum. Please email me if you’re interested or have any questions.
Dorothy Prieto
Dorothy Prieto HSELP
Head Start & Early Learning Programs
We offer quality early education and care and services to support expectant parents and children birth to five in Franklin, Hampshire, and Western Hampden Counties at low or no cost to families.
Visit HSELP/CAPV for all program options
To apply online
For a referral form (which gives clients priority) Downloadable Referral Form
Fax or email completed referrals to or
Please call 413-387-1250
Or email questions to
To set up a presentation virtually or in person for your Staff/Parent groups call
Carla Zhingre 413-387-1224 or email her at
stefany Garcia
Stefany Garcia - Manager of Homeless and Enrollment services at the HPS @
Sicry Garcia
Hi Everyone, Sicry Garcia, Outreach and Event Coordinator a Nuestras Raices
Millie Ruiz
Millie Ruiz - Housing Mobility Outreach Specialist at Wayfinders 413-390-5210
HCC - Gloria Penagos
Gloria Penagos -HCC Free Job Training Programs | Holyoke Community College
AJ Beatty
AJ Beatty, Peer Recovery Coach at Hope for Holyoke, Peer Recovery Support Center at 100 Suffolk St, Holyoke. We offer peer led meetings and events, recovery coaching, and connection to resources and treatment that is open to everyone on a walk in basis, M-F 8a-7p, Sat 8a-4p, Sun 8a-3p. Contact: or 413-561-1020.
Miguel Arce
Miguel Arce, Springfield College
Carl Borden, Scouting America - W.Mass
Carl Borden, Scouting America - Western Massachusetts Council, Membership Director. 413-594-9196 x 7003
Mary Loughman
mloughman@caringhealth,org CHW
Elizabeth Hamel
Liz Hamel, Family Access and Community Engagement- FACE at Morgan Elementary.
Gerardo Torres
Hello every one my name is Gerardo Torres I am a resident advocate of Holyoke and a volunteer of Wayfinder my email is
Sicry Garcia
At Nuestras Raices we offer gardening plots to residentes in food insecure neighborhood. Over 100 families benefit from our network of community gardens, and we hope to fill additional garden plots in 2025. Currently Nuestras Raices manages 6 community gardens. We also partner with Sullivan Middle School Gardening and Ecology Club where students learn about the connections between life form found in the garden.
Sicry Garcia
if you life to learn more about gardening and sign up for a plot this year, please feel free to reach out to us or visit our office in Holyoke. 329 Main Street, Holyoke Ma
413-535-1789 x209
Abbie- Viability, INC
WOW thats awesome Izzy. Multiple languages!
Congrats, Ashley, for graduating from the program!
Sicry Garcia
Also, we will be offering Basic baking class, intermediate baking class, and servsafe classes
Laura Jansen, LICSW Baystate Family Advocacy Center
Laura Jansen CAC Clinical Supervisor Baystate Family Advocacy Center
Sicry Garcia
i will be sharing some flyes.
i have to running for med. appt. see you soon
AJ Beatty
Hi Izzie and Sue - Can you post the contact info again in the chat / info on how to reach out to connect with trainings?
Edward Caisse
Thanks Diana
AJ Beatty
Also if you have any printable flyers for upcoming classes
Carl Borden, Scouting America - W.Mass
Pack 235, Troops 235/5235, and Ship 235
Shannon Sarkisian | STCC | 413-755-4675 if you have questions about the Transition to College program at STCC
Jennifer Rolon
Jennifer Rolon, Community Outreach Coordinator, email:, 413-273-6342

Meghan Lemay
The Alzheimer's Association is offering two free upcoming trainings for Fire, EMS, and Police The goal of this training is to educate First Responders on the impact that Alzheimer's disease and dementia has on individuals and communities. Attendees will receive 2 free Continuing Education hours through MA OEMS.
TWO free training options via Zoom (both are same training)
Title: "Understand, Approach & Respond: Effective Interventions for First Responders"
Date: Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Time: 6pm- 8pm
Registration Link:
Date: Thursday, January 16, 2025
Time: 7am- 9am
Registration Link:
Israel Rivera
Attached you will find our general flyer.
Meghan Lemay
Alzheimer's Association 24/7 Helpline: 800-272-3900 call with any questions or to sign up for free education programs. Feel free to email me at
Lisa M Carbonell-Correa
Lisa M Carbonell-Correa MA CCHW, CDP, CMDCP,
Memory Specialist - Dementia Care Consultant
pronouns: she/ella
Alzheimer's Association, Massachusetts/New Hampshire Chapter
Please Note: We've relocated our Waltham office.
Our new address is: 320 Nevada Street, Suite 201, Newton, MA 02460. /
24/7 Helpline: 800.272.3900 | Find all of our virtual programs and support groups here:
Georgie Brown
Georgie Brown- Community Engagement Coordinator OneHolyoke CDC 413-409-2006
Flor Diaz
Holyoke/Chicopee WIC Program Assistant send resume to
Abbie- Viability, INC
With a tremendous amount of anticipation and excitement I am sharing the MOMS descriptive report is now live on OPRE’s website: I hope you will take the time to look over how the program was implemented, how it served the participants, and some testimonials from staff and participants alike.
Delvis Hernandez
Abbie- Viability, INC
Damasco- I will be reaching out for Narcan training. Thank you.
Cassie Giardina (she/hers) Rise Above Foundation
Cassie Giardina- Community Outreach Manager. Provide funding for youth in foster care ages 0-23 for most positive experiences and opportunities (sports, specialty summer camp, music, college text books, and so much more!). We also send care packages for young adults working with DCF who are perusing any sort of higher education, and launch boxes which are full of brand new appliances and supplies for young adults in foster care transitioning into their first new place.
Dorothy Prieto
Thank you all. Have a great day. I have to hop off.
AJ Beatty
Betsy, do your providers accept masshealth for therapy/med management?
Abbie- Viability, INC
With a tremendous amount of anticipation and excitement I am sharing the MOMS descriptive report is now live on OPRE’s website: I hope you will take the time to look over how the program was implemented, how it served the participants, and some testimonials from staff and participants alike.
Flor Diaz
Forgot to mention the Chicopee back to school fundraiser event
Tonja Paone
Hi Cassie Giardina,
Hi Cassie, this is Tonja and you can reach me at
Message not recorded
Tonja Paone
Thank you everyone, I have to attend another meeting and must go. Have a wonderful afternoon.
aleyx bernard
aleyx Bernard, Pa'lante's drop in and admin coordinator our number is 413-200-0624 and my email is we are open Mondays -Fridays for youth 3-7pm we have a food pantry that operates every 1st and 3rd week of the month. we offer a community closet, therapy services through multicultural clinical services, and our court appointed alternative to mindful rage, please reach out to me if you are interested in any of the services we provide (: we love collaborating with other networks
Israel Rivera
Thank you Abby!
Sue Covitz
Thank you, Abbie!
Jennifer Rolon
Have a great day everyone! I have to run for another meeting.
Abbie- Viability, INC
Abbie Germain Business Developer- Viability, INC 413-217-0348 Contact me anytime
Edward Caisse
Back to School Event:
Ashley Stackow
Do u need volunteer for that ed
Abbie- Viability, INC
Awesome Ed, thank you! Sounds fun!

Old Business / New Business
Next Meeting is Thursday, February 13th on Zoom
In-person Meeting, Wednesday February 26th- Summit View

Close Meeting 2:30pm
Contact Information:
Edward Caisse
Hampden County Sheriff’s Department
(413) 858-0225
Friend Request us on Facebook @ Shsni Holyoke

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