July 2021

Ed Caisse
July 8 2021
Virtual Networking Meeting hosted via Zoom
Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative
Meeting Notes
Date: July 8, 2021
Time: 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Place: Zoom Meeting
Mission Statement: The Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative is a partnership between local, state & federal law enforcement; city & state government; civic & human service organizations; faith based organizations; the business community; education providers; property managers; and residents coming together with a goal to create safe, healthy & economically viable neighborhoods through information sharing, identifying at-risk youth, referrals and community efforts in specific Holyoke neighborhoods.
Welcome & Introduction 1:00pm - 1:05pm
Amanda Hichborn: River Valley Counseling Center 1:05pm - 1:20pm
Clinic director for new Westfield location and A-CRA supervisor. Project SOAR (Skills Opportunity and Recovery). It’s a grant from the state for substance use programming being implemented in Holyoke High School North until Sept. 2022 and has potential for continuation. All services are free to Holyoke High students and their families. First track program to help with substance use prevention. Some risk factors that the students exhibit and that are taken into consideration when receiving referrals include education, mental and behavioral health, attitudes and intentions, physical health behaviors, parent/family dynamics, peer interaction, community norms and poverty. Project Amp serves as an early intervention for teens to reduce substance use. It’s conducted over approximately 4 to 6, one hour sessions. These sessions take place with a student mentor, where they will talk about personal goals, coping with stress and anxiety, and dealing with social pressures. Mentor provides safe environment and is someone the students can feel comfortable talking to and will offer a helping hand if needed. Students can maintain contact with mentor after their sessions are done. A virtual after-school group meets once a week so that they can reach as many students as possible. iDecide is an additional diversion track for students within the Project SOAR model. Training is provided in 4 group sessions by the state over the summer. Students who complete Project Amp, and are appropriate condidates for further clinical services may be referred to A-CRA, a 10 to 14 session program for students who are in need of additional support. More information can be found and referrals can be made online.
Agency Overview and Updates 1:20pm - 2:25pm
Zhane Stone
Westover Job Corps Center - Admissions Counselor
No updates
Zeno Temple
Hampden County District Attorney's Office
No updates
Yvonne Lomax
Westover Job Corps Center - Outreach/Admissions Manager.
Excited to announce that they are in virtual enrollment and have 4 groups of 12 applicants. The first group will be going on center in-person on July 22nd to quarantine and then go into their center life. As WJCC begins to open back up, this is a great time for young people to apply in an orientation. They are also always looking to assist with any community service that they can.
Yaixsa Vargas
River Valley Counseling Center - Project Amp mentor at Holyoke High School.
Contact: vargas_yaixsa@holyokehealth.com
Mentor for Holyoke High School students. Works with students on developing personal goals, coping with stress and anxiety, and dealing with social pressures. No updates.
Vivian Rodriguez
Holyoke Housing Authority - FSS HCV/Homeownership Program Coordinator
Contact: vrodriguez@holyokehousing.org
413-539-2220 ext 219
No updates.
Veronica Garcia
Viviendo Sin Limites - Founder
Contact: sinlimiteproductions@gmail.com
Viviendo Sin Limites, a new program launched in social media with the goal of talking about mental illness; talking with mentors, psychologists, and therapists; and are looking for Spanish-speakers to assist in having these conversations. Feel free to reach out for more info.
More info: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc0AwKggOTUDpTUHr0qSKVA
Tyler Drubych
River Valley Counseling Center - Clinical supervisor of the WISE program
Contact: drubych_tyler@holyokehealth.com
The WISE program is a strength-based, early intervention program working with children ages 7-12 years old on developing coping skills and other areas that help them become the best person they can be. Feel free to make referrals online for any students at William Peck or Veritras. Offering summer programming and psychoeducational groups for students that help build confidence, develop coping skills, and deal with the effects of the pandemic.
Tony Simmons
Hampden County District Attorney’s Office – Community Safety and Outreach Unit
No updates.
Terri Lombardo
Holyoke Chicopee Springfield Head Start
Website: www.hcsheadstart.org
CEO of 48 years is retiring at the end of the year. Are back in-person and accepting applications. Serving kids 6 weeks to 5 years of age. Feel free to send young kids their ways as they have lots of openings.
Tania Monteiro
Behaviroal Health Network Crisis Services - Chicopee Police Co-Response Clinician
Contact: tania.monteiro@bhninc.org
They try to reach out to folks who call 911 to provide a quicker response to the site of the crisis and people who are struggling. Their work also aims to divert the use of emergency rooms if there is no medical need.
Sylvia Ruiz
Fallon Helath NaviCare - Account Executive
Contact: sylvia.ruiz@fallonhealth.org
NaviCare is the senior care options program. Help people who are over the threshold for Masshealth get on Masshealth if they have any activities for daily living that they need assistance with. Also gets people onto their no-cost program, which gives clients all of the services for them to be home, safe, with everything that they need covered by Fallon Health, from personal care assistance to durable medical. Accepting referrals from any community partners for clients 65 years of age and older. Feel free to reach out.
Stefany Garcia
Holyoke Public Schools – Family Access Engagement Department
(413) 434-2000
Want to let families know that the school year is starting early this year on August 23. Encourage families to enroll early either online at enrollholyoke.com or call (413) 434-2000. Having two enrollment fairs, one on July 29th at community field from 12pm to 2pm and another on July 30th at heritage state park at 4pm to 6pm. Email SEGARCIA@HPS.HOLYOKE.MA.US for more info.
Sharon Frankle
Clearway Clinic – Clinic Manager
Contact: Sharon@clearwayclinic.com
An early pregnancy crisis center in Springfield that offers free medical pregnancy tests, early limited ultrasounds, limited std testing, and abortion recovery counseling. All services are free, no insurance needed. Reach out for more info.
Seneida Torres
Alianza (formerly known as Womanshelter Companeras)
Contact: Storres@alianzadv.org
Recently had a rebranding done. Currently in office in a hybrid format about 8 to 16 hours per week. Survivors can meet with advocates in-person by making an appointment. Safe plan advocates are back operating in the courts to help survivors who are getting restraining orders or who just need a hand-holding when it comes to this process. There’s also a new program going on right now that focuses on abuse in later life. This is a great webinar training for staff that works within the senior services field. 24 hour hotlines are taking calls and have received between 135 and 160 calls over the past six months. Offering presentations on the history of domestic violence, history of Alianza, and abuse in later life to agencies, residents, and students. Reach out for more info.
Sean Garvey
HSNI - Ward 2 Coordinator
Contact: sean.garvey@sdh.state.ma.us
Working out of Holyoke Community Police Center. They have BHN recovery coaches and a crisis team. Working with people with recovery issues and trying to get them into detox. Information can be found on the HSNI community forum. Also out doing doorknocks and cleanups.
Sandy Ward
Funeral Consumers Alliance of Western Massachusetts – Volunteer
Contact: fcawmass@gmail.com
(413) 376-4747
Website: https://www.funeralconsumerswmass.org/
As things open back up, the educational nonprofit group now has a speaker’s bureau where members go out to groups and talk about the rights and options in MA. Interesting changes are being monitored. Reach out or visit site for more info.
Pedro Alvarez
Tapestry - Assistant Director of Urban Drug User Health & Outreach
Contact: palvarez@tapestryhealth.org
Virtual narcan group happening on July 22nd at 6:30-7:30 which is about narcan, it’s use, how to respond to an overdose, and prevention and is open to the public. Naloxboxes are available for agencies to host on-site, which include a narcan kit, a breathing mask, and directions on how to administer naloxone in English and Spanish. Tapestry is responsible for replacing the naloxbox if anything happens to it. Agencies that would like to host a naloxbox must monitor its use and notify Tapestry of its use. In-person narcan training and narcan kits are available. Email for more info. See the zoom link below to attend the next virtual narcan training.
Pedro Alvarez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Holyoke Community Narcan
Time: Jul 22, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abztImEIwB
Neil Desroches
US Attorney’s Office Springfield.
Partnering with HSNI to create a speaker series called You Can Be Anything You Want To Be to speak to youth 3rd to 6th grade to introduce them to career opportunities at the Friday night basketball games. Anyone who would be interested in presenting can reach out.
Nayroby Rosa-Soriano
OneHolyoke CDC - Director of Community Engagement and Resident Services.
Continuing efforts with the vaccine clinics which are being hosted at the Flats Community Building each month. Also continuing with the cleanup campaign for any agencies interesting in hosting a cleanup in Holyoke. Supplies will be provided. Sign up at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EFUjjY3T-Y8VvzLI7_gBE5c7nH8Qgzav/edit Two community events with wayfinders as part of their resident leadership program. At Chestnut Park and the Library Park on July 17th and July 31st. Next cleanup is being held July 24th at the Flats Community Building in the morning. That afternoon, they will also be doing a food distribution, where 300 boxes of food will be given out at Community Field in conjunction with the Latinos Outdoors hiking/walking tour up to Scott’s Tower. Rental space available at Key Food Marketplace until December if any agencies are interested in sharing the table to hand out flyers, conduct surveys, etc. Covid freedom 5k walk or roll on August 28th down Canal St. to raise some funds for Homework House and OneHolyoke. Reach out if anyone is interested on being on the 5k planning committee. Also hosting a series of neighbor circles on Dwight St. to discuss what community issues are affecting the elderly in person and zoom. Still have slots for Murphys League Baseball with Soriano Baseball Academy Trainers. Youth ages 8 plus to 17 but can make exceptions for any ages interested. Here is the Enrollment link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftxOgx5KB_1cR_Y_6-RuJ94d7r4v5sHvr4MKNs--6v65pZTg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Miguel Arce
Springfield College, School of Social Work.
No updates.
Michelle Daries
Holyoke Department of Children and Families – Foster Care Recruiter.
Contact: michelle.daries@mass.gov
Due to the pandemic, many children entering foster care. DCF is out educating the community of the need for foster and adoptive families in the Holyoke area. Information sessions every Thursday at 10:00, Monday's at 5:30 and Every other Saturday in Spanish at 10:00 am. Looking to do partnerships to educate general public about the need for foster/adoptive parents. Reach out for more info.
Meghan Gross
Bilingual Language Development Lab
Contact: megangross@umass.edu
Website: https://blogs.umass.edu/bld/recursos/
Their team is available for presentations for families or staff about bilingual language development in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French; also happy to present to youth about the field of speech-language pathology. Visit website or reach out for more info. No updates.
Mckenzie Umrysz
MSPCC– Intake and Outreach Coordinator Healthy Families Program
Contact: mumrysz@eliotchs.org
Support first time parents 20 years old and younger with parenting support, resource development, and goal planning. Currently taking referrals and have both English and Spanish-speaking staff. Offering presentations to organizations out in the community for those who want to learn more about their services. Email or call for more info.
Maryann Linnehan
Western Mass ElderCare – Community Options Supervisor
Contact: mlinnehan@wmeldercare.org
Office will be open to the public starting July 12th. They are gradually resuming in-person client visits and activities. Mainting PPE delivery. Working with congregate dining sites to help them reopen their programs in-person. Continue weekly Caring for the Caregiver support group. Continuing Rainbow Supper Club meetings, an LGBT club for seniors 60 years and older to meet once a week for dinner. Nutrition bingo is being held virtually on July 28th from 10:30am – 11:30am and participants can win prizes and learn different ways to help themselves by meeting their nutritional needs. Website for WestMass ElderCare is www.wmeldercare.org. You can find information about the Caring for the Caregiver support group, Rainbow Supper Club, and Nutrition Bingo under the activities tab. If you have any clients in need of PPE, please feel free to reach out.
John McCarthy
USCIS - Community Relations Boston
Contact: john.j.mccarthy@uscis.dhs.gov
TPS is now extended for Yemen for additional 18 months. Current groups that are up for temporary protective status are Burma, Yemen, Venzuela, and the national rollout for Hiati is expected. Government has released its interagency strategies for promoting naturalization. An all-government working group to promote naturalization across the U.S. involving all federal agencies by outreaching through libraries to reach adult educators, instructors, etc. Offering presentations on immigration benefits. Reaching out to Liberian communities interested in the Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act and how to obtain permanent residency if eligible. Email for more info.
Marissa Rivera
CleanSlate Centers in Holyoke - Care Coordinator
Contact: mrivera@cleanslatecenters.com
Call or email for info. No updates.
Lt, Maria Pelchar
Holyoke Fire Department
Smoke alarm installation program is going strong for any residents interested in having smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors installed in their homes. Car seat installation program is also going strong for any parents who need their carseat inspected or is in need of a carseat. Call (413) 534-2254 ext. 105 to learn the requirements to receive a carseat for free as well as any other info. Available for guest speaking events to present on fire safety and evactuation plans.
Magda Colon
Hampden County District Attorney’s Office - Hampden County Addiction Taskforce
Contact: magda.colon@state.ma.us
Email for info. No updates.
Lucy Friedman-Bell
Safe Routes to School.
Work to support safe walking and biking amongst elementary and middle school students whether they’re walking/biking to and from school or in the community. No updates.
Laticia Reyes
uAspire – Project Manager
Contact: Leticiar@uaspire.org
Nonprofit organization that ensures all young people have the financial information and resources for an affordable path to college. Partnering with DESE to help students in 9 districts throughout MA, including Holyoke, by running a virtual help desk to assist students apply for Financial aid. We like to consider ourselves FAFSA experts! Email for more info.
Latirah Cisero
Square One Family Services - Intake and Outreach Coordinator
Three home visiting programs, including First Step Together, which is a program for parents in recovery. Healthy Families is a program for first time parents. Parents as Teachers is a program for parents that do not need to be first time parents to qualify.
Kelsey Clary
Caring Health Center - Health Access Project Coordinator
Contact: kclary@caringhealth.org
413-739-1100, ext. 3007
Works with Outreach and Enrollment Navigators who help to enroll MA residents in health insurance (including MassHealth) and SNAP benefits. Would love to attend community events in the Holyoke/Chicopee/Springfield area. Email or call for more info. To make a referral or to get help with insurance or SNAP: email navigators@caringhealth.org, or call 413-739-1100, ext. 1037 (English) or ext. 1038 (Spanish).
Karen Blanchard
Michael J Foundation - Executive Director
Organization runs sober homes out of Springfield and accepts referrals from across MA. Provides a safe and clean environment to help individuals get sober. No updates.
Kalina Miller
Sisu BHR
Contact: kmiller@sisuhealth.com
Website: sisubhr.com
New pharmaceutical research facility conducting clinical research for mental health-current trials in Traumatic Brain Injury and ADHD. Visit website or email for more info.
Adelaida Rivera
Renasiance Primary Care and Complete Mental Health Services
Contact: 413-285-8586
Suboxone clinic and bilingual services available. Call for more info.
Justine Sabbs
Holyoke Housing Authority - Director of Resident Empowerment and Community Programming
Contact: jsabbs@holyokehousing.org
Office is operating in-person. Recieved funding for first phase of South Holyoke Homes, which should begin by the end of July. There will be 12 units available for rent after the first phase and eventually single-family homes. Hired 12 kids from their properties over the summer to assist mainteniance staff. Collaborating with Boys and Girls Club to run a summer reading program. Anticipating getting their firt time home buyer workshops operating again in September. Feel free to reach out with questions.
Johanna Walter
Center for New Americans (CNA) - Volunteer/Tutor.
Serving refugees, immigrants, migrants and asylum seekers in Western MA. Free English classes for non-English speakers. Classes are via Zoom and some are hybrid. We also teach distance learning classes! Summer term currently taking place but it’s not too late to join. Fall term starts on September 7. Visit https://cnam.org/english-classes/ for more info. On July 2nd, the Center for New Americans hosted the 13th Annual Naturalization Ceremony in Northamption where 20 immigrants were sworn in as U.S. citizens.
Aida Rivera
Holyoke Public Schools Enrollment Center.
No updates.
Jen Hansen
Westover Job Corps Center – Center Director.
Trying to get students involved in the community so that when they leave WJCC, they are an active piece of where they’re living and what they’re doing. Graduation ceremony being held this month in which all students who were not able to attend during the pandemic will be able to join. Any organizations that thinks their services would benefit a young person just starting out, feel free to reach out.
James Maloney
Hope for Holyoke.
Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 10am-1pm. New group for vets in recovery that need support held on Thursdays at 11am.
Debbie Gonzalez
Hope for Holyoke - Director
Latest project called Highway to Hope, a peer transportation program. Provides transportation to and from treatment, detox, or anything to help sustain their recovery. Drivers that provide transportation are recovery coaches. Referrals can be made online at findhelp.org or transportation can be requested via telephone any time Monday - Friday.
Phil Goldeen
Hope for Holyoke – Peer Gambling Ambassador
Aim is to supply information and resources for problem gambling, geared towards black and latino men who deal with many disparities in the urban city and are high-risk for problematic gambling. Looking for bilingual people to raise awareness about problem gambling within the community.
Gina Anselmo
Hampden District Attorney's Office - Youth Accountability Board
Contact: Gina.Anselmo@state.ma.us
Youth Accountability Board consists of high school students from across the county who work on projects that address social issues they are passionate about. Created a series of podcasts about inclusion, which will be linked below. Recruiting students over the summer. Reach out for more info.
Youth Advisory Board (YAB) Inclusion Podcasts: Racism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od8HLG85Rt0 LGBTQIA+ Inclusion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B50VlupbxRs Cultural & Religious Inclusivity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kpxxr_e8os Sexism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vZ7e0nePus Intersectionality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8DHrpvsmrQ
Genesis Figueroa Rodriguez
Valley Opportunity Council - Adult Education
Contact: gfigueroarodriguez@valleyopp.com
Currently taking intakes for their EASEL classes and are signing up students for their summer ABE infosession. Classes are free. ABE classes have three different levels and EASEL classes have four different levels. Help students access English classes and complete their GEDs. Email for more info.
Freddie Kempe
Westover Job Corps Center - Admission Counselor
Interested in recruiting, meeting new people, and networking. No update.
Eric White
Westover Job Corps Center - Outreach and Admissions Counselor
Contact: white.eric@jobcorps.org
Serving any kids looking for GED or trade education. Reach out for more info.
Edgar Robles
Holyoke Public Schools - District Wide Attendance officer
Kindergarden and Pre-K event being held Aug. 24th 3pm – 6pm at Heritage Park. HPS Preschool and kindergarden starts early this year on Aug. 30th and on Aug. 23rd for grades 1-12. Encourage parents to enroll their kids as soon as possible online at holyokeenrollment.com or call 413-534-2000 ext. 1100 for more info.
Cher Livengood
Holyoke Public Library
As of Tuesday the library has some computers available to the public for use. The library has been open to the public since June 14th.
Bill Courchesne
HSNI - Ward 6 NW Coordinator.
Contact: 413-858-0015
No updates.
Art Lobdell
Boys Scouts of America
Contact: Art.lobdell@scouting.org.
Programs for youth and families. Boy scouts deliver character building and vocational programs to young people from kindergarden to 21 years of age. Looking to partner with agencies in the Holyoke area. There are no programs in Holyoke at this time. Need community partners in order to deliver services to Holyoke. Starting outreach work in Springfield and Holyoke.
Angela Callahan
River Valley Counseling Center
New clinic in Westfield on 94 North Elm St. in the Westwood building. Westfield is the 11th school district to partner with RVCC to reduce barriers to mental health treatment and deliver therapeutic services in schools. RVCC is growing and there is a need for staff. Visit rvccinc.org/careers/ for more info about career opportunities.RVCC premeire fundraiser annual golf tournament takes place on Sept. 10th . Info on the website.
River Valley Counseling Center rvccinc.org to learn more about Project SOAR, the WISE Program, and the A-CRA.
Amy Karangekis
Office of the Attorney General
CDC Moratorium on evictions has been extended until July 31st. Anyone needing assistance or has questions on CDC Moratorium on Evictions can call 617-782-8400 for more info.
Ami Jackson
CPCS Youth Advocacy Division - Staff Juvenile Defense Investigator
Address: 101 State Street, Springfield, MA
Contact: Ajackson@publiccounsel.net
Website: www.publiccounsel.net/yad
Serve juveniles accused of or on TRA ages 12-17. No updates. Interested in learning more about resources to better assist clients with wraparound services. Legal team consists of a juvenile defense investigator, an attorney, and a social service advocate.
Adlyn Colon
Holyoke Community College – Adult Education
Contact: acolon@hcc.edu.
HiSET preparation and ESOL classes.
HCC continues working over the summer but most offices are working remotely. Call first to make an appointment if planning to visit. If you need to speak with someone you can chat with someone online at www.hcc.edu.
Yesenia Cruz
Adcare Hospital- Community Service Representative
Contact: ycruz@adcare.com
Adcare offering inpation and outpatient substance use services for folks in need. Partnering with VA to treat veterans in need of substance use services. Offers inpatient detox services for up to 7 days at Worcester facility and up to 30 days at RI facility for rehab afterwards if patient has TriCare or the Veterans Community Care Network Plan. Working in community with agencies and folks seeking treatment. Offers presentations on AdCare services to agencies and community events.
Walter Rice
BCL-WBL Westover Job Corps Center
Contact: rice.walter@jobcorps.org
New partnership with Chicopee on a waste water program for students to be able to go on that pathway. Reach out if your agency is interested in partnering. Ward 2 of Holyoke’s leadership team hosting a tabling event for the family fun night July 23rd. Reach out if your agency is interested in signing up for a table.
Rondey Allen
CrossPoint Clinical Services – Executive Director
Contact: RAllen@CrossPointClinical.org
Website: www.crosspointclinical.org
Main office located in West Springfield. Specialize in Christian faith-based mental health counseling services, but will serve anyone and has a very competent, licensed staff with all kinds of expertise in their field. Provide exceptional mental health services and wellness care.
Old Business / New Business
REACH OUT TO ED (ed.caisse@sdh.state.ma.us) OR CAITLIN (caitlin.goodbrake@sdh.state.ma.us) WITH INQUIRIES IF INTERESTED
MORE INFO: https://www.shsni.org/resources
Close Meeting 2:30pm
Contact Information:
Edward Caisse
Hampden County Sheriff’s Department
(413) 858-0225
Friend Request us on Facebook @ Shsni Holyoke