September 2021

Ed Caisse
September 9 2021
Virtual Networking Meeting
Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative
Meeting Notes
Date: September 9, 2021
Time: 1:00pm to 2:30pm
Place: Zoom Meeting
Mission Statement: The Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative is a partnership between local, state & federal law enforcement; city & state government; civic & human service organizations; faith based organizations; the business community; education providers; property managers; and residents coming together with a goal to create safe, healthy & economically viable neighborhoods through information sharing, identifying at-risk youth, referrals and community efforts in specific Holyoke neighborhoods.
Welcome & Introduction 1:00pm - 1:05pm
Jen Fernandes: United Way Thrive Program 1:05pm - 1:20pm
Jen introduced herself from the Thrive Program with United Way of Pioneer Valley. Thrive is a one stop financial success program. They do a lot of great things within the community. Thrive is a free program open to anyone in the community. They do very detailed budgeting and money management through a spending tracker sheet. Clients are learning if they are living within their means and as a coach help them address. They focus on credit repair and what areas you need to improve on to raise your score. Credit reports are a financial bible to understand finances. Money skills classes and work force training are other areas they assist and can refer to Masshire. It is free and confidential with the client and coach; not a large group. They do a lot of goal setting from intake to build a relationship and create an action plan. Financial wheel of Life is a way to get a lot of information on a client and better understanding of their financial history. Pre Covid, their coaching model was in person.
Jen is hoping to go back to her pre-covid schedule. She was at PAFEC in Holyoke 3 days a week and Westfield 2 days a week. She is currently working out of the Main St office in Springfield.
Jen Fernandes- to set up an appointment with THRIVE, my number is 413-333-8365.
United Way is having our annual Day of Caring on Friday, September 24th. We are looking for any organizations or businesses that need help with anything (outside cleanup, organization, any projects that they need help with). We are also looking for volunteers for that day. If interested please let me know. I can send out a link to sign up for Day of Caring and you can describe your project. Again we're looking for volunteers!
Agency Overview and Updates 1:20pm - 2:25pm
Yvonne Lomax: Westfield Job Corps
They are resuming admission and getting back to normalcy. Would love to come out in community to present.
Yajaira Marquez: CFCE/Head Start
Virtual Play groups from ages 3-5. Parenting workshops free for families in 2 weeks. Workshop is 6 weeks long.
We have a virtual playgroup and Parenting Workshops (6 weeks) starting in a few weeks. We also have a book buddies program and Raising a Reader. Please feel free to contact me at MarquezY@headstart.o
Yajaira Marquez- CFCE/Head Start. We have a virtual playgroup and Parenting Workshops (6 weeks) starting in a few weeks. We also have a book buddies program and Raising A Reader. Please feel free to contact me at
Valerie Rene-Joseph: Paulo Freire Charter School
Adjustment Counselor
Valerie Joseph School Adjustment Counselor at Paulo Freire Social Justice Charter School
Trish Bonica: Safe Passage
Service provider for folks that have experienced interpersonal violence. Emergency funds for survivors, counseling emergency and shelter. Have positions opening for talented folks.
Trish Bonica, Safe Passage,
Sabash Majhi: Springfield College
Grad student from Springfield College and thanks for having him.
Sergio Vicente: Masshire Holyoke
Masshire Holyoke Youth Counselor and Operations Coordinator. Have new programs coming up in the fall through Mass Housing financing agency. Received funds to employ youth 14-21. Shannon employment program opportunities for 10 at risk youth. Want to provide opportunities for employment to deter youth from going down wrong roads.
Sergio Vicente. Masshire Holyoke. 4136502703
Sean Mcbride: Chief of Holyoke District Probation
Nothing to Report
Sean Garvey: Hampden County Sheriff’s Department
Works out of Holyoke Police Center. Nothing to Report
Sandy Ward: Holyoke Public Library/Funeral Consumer Alliance
Volunteer to answer questions around funeral expenses, rights and options. Looking for suggestions to improve website.
Sandy Ward, Funeral Consumers Alliance of Western Massachusetts,, (413) 376-4747 (leave msg) or email
Rondey Allen: Crosspoint Clinical
Agency that specializes in faith based clinical services. Team of licensed and competent staff. Love to empower and educate community. Revelation Wellness, 9 week program to redeem Mind, Body and Spirit. Integrates faith and fitness. Starts in October. “Saving your marriage before it starts” Pre-marital counseling reduces divorce rate by 33%. “Saving 2nd marriage before it starts”. Covers many questions regarding marriage and honesty. They try to set people up for success.
Rondey Allen, Executive Director CrossPoint Clinical Services 413-732-7677 ext 1002
Zeno Temple: Hampden DA’s Office
Putting a list together of non-profits in the area. If anyone would like to be linked add to chat.
Officer Colon: Holyoke Police Department
208 Race Street in Holyoke. No updates at the moment.
Off. Josh Colon Community Police Officer for Holyoke Police Dept. email 413-650-0546
Nayroby Rosa Soriano: OneHolyoke
A lot of work around vaccinations and education. Looking for organizations to host clean ups in Holyoke. She has supplies to provide. Will share link in the Chat. Looking for volunteers and possibly a pool to help assist in all their efforts. Working with Kelly school and Megan will share more information.
Nayroby Rosa-Soriano, OneHolyoke CDC, 413-409-2004,
#Keepitclean2k21 Campaign For more information you can call Community Engagement Director Nayroby Rosa at 413-409-2004, or via email at nayroby.rosa-soriano@oneholyoke.orgSign up:
Milissa Daniels: Holyoke Community College
Workforce development recruiting for 3 programs. Community Healthworker program that they are recruiting for. IT is a learn to earn program that provides a lot of support. Individuals recruiting should be on some type of public assistance to qualify for program. Unemployed or Under-employed. Pharmacy Tech Program that is 90% online. Opened program up that has 3 slots left. She will include link in Chat.
Milissa Daniels Holyoke Community College. Currently recruiting for a Pharmacy Tech Program that is 90% online, Community Health Worker 80% online, and a Hybrid line cook program.
Miguel Rivera: Rewarding Insurance Agency
Hiring agents and work with foreclosure protection and life insurance. Located at 177 High St in Holyoke.
Miguel Rivera with Rewarding Insurance Agency. 413-317-0043, We specialize in Life Insurance, Medicare Advantage and
Michelle Daries: Department of Children and Families
Recruiting for the Foster/Adoptive Care System. Email if you have questions or need application to start process.
Shellie Daries-Department of Children and Families Recruiting foster and adoptive families. for more information e-mail me at
Megan Gross: UMASS
Collaborating with Nayroby on “supporting families raising bilingual children.” Collaboration with OneHolyoke and Kelly School along with UMASS language lab. Goal is to support Spanish speaking families that have special education needs. Willi have a monthly parent facilitated by a parent that is bilingual with a child that has special needs. Caregivers will help support each other and have activities to support children by speech and language pathologists. They have interest survey for parents looking to participate. IF you have families interested please access link in chat.
Megan Gross, Bilingual Language Development Lab, UMass Amherst,,
Interest survey, Supporting Families Raising Bilingual Children:; contact:
Mark Gaudet: Masshire Holyoke
Adult Education Counselor for those looking for literacy needs/low adult learning needs up to HISET. Classes meet during day and night and many working remotely. There are some in person classes. They do have waiting lists so apply to 2 or 3 programs. Will post information to chat. He teaches ESOL in the evening at VOC.
Mark Gaudet (again) I meet people looking for Adult Basic Ed classes (Literacy - GED/HiSET levels) AND English classes for non-native speakers ESOL. I usually meet applicants through the MassHire Career Centers, both in Holyoke and Springfield This is my Google Voice to give out to applicants (413) 341-0150
Lt. Pelchar: Holyoke Fire Department
Car crashes #1 killer of children 3-14. 84% of child restraint shows some type of misuse. 9/20 from 11-2 will have experts on hand at 600 High St in Holyoke. (413) 534 2254. Will have a truck load of car seats to replace for free. Smoke and Carbon Monoxide program to provide and install in home for Holyoke residents only. Need appointment.
Maria Pagan: Holyoke Public Library
Thanked for inviting the Library to back to school event. Great event and congratulation on a successful event. Access for resources for students and adults. Library is open again Monday-Thursday 8:30-8:30pm. Friday/Saturday: 8:30-4. Please stop by to use our resources.
Hello. This is Maria from Holyoke Public Library
Lucy Friedman Bell: Safe Roots to School
Program that offers safe walking to school. Event on 10/6 working with City/Mass in Motion to do a walk to school day; Kelly, Morgan, Sullivan, Donahue and Peck. Looking for more volunteers to do walking school buses. Students will get a goody bag when they arrive at school.
Lucy Friedman-Bell, Safe Routes to School
Kelly Wood: YWCA
Young Parent program and are back working within homes. Offering parenting support and self-sufficiency skills for parents up to the age of 23. Parents don’t need custody along as they are working towards reunification.
Kelly Wood01:28:49 Young Parent Support Program 413.351.1219
Karen Legace: US Attorney’s Office
Karen Legace, Program Specialist, United States Attorney's Office
Justin Chellman: Springfield Department of Health and Human Services
Working with the healing community studies on a variety of things.
Justin Chellman, Opioid Overdose Prevention Program Director at SDHHS
Juan Maldonado: Dean of Students at Holyoke High
Nothing to report.
John McCarthy: United States Citizenship Immigration Service
Community relations officer with USCIS. Looking for opportunities to provide information on the naturalization process or any other type of group that has interest in benefits. An example is the LRIFA program, It was important for those from Liberia that have lived in the US since 2014. That act is time sensitive and if you don’t apply by the 20th of December it is no longer available. Presenting on 9/14 at the Providence Library, Worcester 9/28, and Boston Public Library on 9/20. If any is filing an application for a 485 they have extended the lifetime the I-793 form. Find more info at USCIS.Gov Community Relations for United States Citizenship and Immigration Service
Jody Wynglarz: Medminder Pharmacy
Covers Berkshire/Hampden/Hampshire Counties. Fully comprehensive pharmacy and offer free delivery in any form. Smart pill dispenser and meds are shipped in a preorganized tray. Offer free phone call, texting and alert. Been able to bring medication adherence rate from 50%-95%. Assist individuals of all ages that take 5 or more medications and no out of pocket expenses.
Jodi Wynglarz Western MA Account Manager for MedMinder Pharmacy. We are a fully comprehens offer free deliveries of medications in all forms: Bottles, insulin, locked totes, bubblepacks, OR our Smart Pill dispensers and preorganized trays. Please call me to learn how we have brought medication adherence rate from 50%TO 95% at no cost to our members. Just their typical copay. 781-7084483
Jeffrey Hayden: Holyoke Community College
No updates
Jeff Hayden (he/him) - VP of Business and Community Services, Holyoke Community College, 413-552-2587
Jean Frazier: Paulo Freire Charter School
Adjustment Counselor, appreciate information and is making list.
James Garaghty: Holyoke Mall
Advertising world in Holyoke and Hampshire Mall. Decided to do a job fair 9/22 in Hampshire 11-4pm and another in Holyoke from 3-7pm on 10/6. They have a lot of big clients coming and they will be COVID safe. Put info on chat.
Hannah Laprade: Girl Scouts of Central and Western MA
Membership specialist working on recruitment and developing new troops in Holyoke. Financial assistance is available for those that apply no questions asked. Trying to make it very accessible. Formed advisory community to make connections.Hannah Laprade - Girl Scouts of Central and Western, (413) 584-2602 ext. 3604
Giselle Gaines: Vitra
Homecare program out of Boston. Hired to launch in Western Ma area to adult family care/ family gaft for those 16 and older. Giselle Gaines Vitra Health Home Care
Elizabeth Lenart: Dean Tech
New college and career counselor at Dean Tech. Very excited to announce a very motivated and talented class of seniors. 9 vocational shops that are all full. Would love to set up partnerships/opportunities for these students to find some employment.
Elizabeth Lenart- College & Career Counselor, Dean Technical High School :)
Trooper Deshawn Brown: MA State Police
Community Police Liaison doing outreach for kids’ k-college west of Wilbraham (V-Troop).
Tpr. DeShawn Brown, Massachusetts State Police, B Troop Community Police Liaison. 857-262-7040,
Denise Kelly Lachat: DA’s Office
Diversion Coordinator for Holyoke Juvenile and District Court.
David Baker: Westover Job Core
Recently promoted to site director, first meeting and excited to be here. Always looking for guest speakers and people to present virtually to students. If interested in presented reach out to
Cynthia Espinosa: City of Holyoke Economic Development
2 items to share: Co-hosted with MA DOT a public hearing on traffic signal upgrades on high/maple Streets. (Posted link to recording in chat). Hosting a ribbon cutting event for their Valley Bike rental station. 3 new stations opened and on 9/17 folks can ride them for free.
Volunteers for the Walk to School Day Oct6:
High/Maple Public Hearing details:
ValleyBIke Ribbon Cutting Event, Sept. 17:
Cindy Colangione: Big Brothers/Big Sisters
They have been able to match several mentors over the last couple months. Have 3 or 4 matches pending for those that are looking to Mentor.
Cindy Colangione, Big Brothers Big Sisters;
Brianna Owen: Rise Above
Organization that Fund individual activity wishes for those in custody of the Department of Children and Families. Some examples are sports, music lessons, iPad, and laptops.
Brianna Owen- RISE ABOVE, we fund individual activity wishes for kids and young adults in the care and custody of the Department of Children and Families. We fund activities such as sports, music lessons, laptops, iPads, etc. For young adults signed in with DCF we provide launch boxes to help accommodate first apartment and dorm needs and provide funding for activities such as study abroad programs, class trips, and more! Our application can be filled out by social workers, mentors, teachers, youth and kids themselves here
Art Lobdell: Boy Scouts of America
Now is the time to get young people into the scouting program. Collected a lot of information during the Back to School event at their climbing wall. Collected several pages of those interested to volunteer along with kids for scouting. Age groups that they are looking for is age 5-12. (K-5, 6-8, HS)
Alan Gates: Principal Dean Campus
Thanked Eddie for coordinating and being able to plug in to see many amazing people. 9/21 holding a Tag Sale at Dean from the shops to do a fundraiser. Dean Hall of Fame space of those dating back from Holyoke Trade in 1920. Space will be dedicated to their rich history.
September 21st - Tag Sale *Dean Campus (proceeds will go to clubs and programs at Dean with items leftover donated) *Dean Hall of Fame/Leadership Room Project... more to come, but if interested reach out! *Looking for partnerships!
Adraina Colon: Sullivan School
Family and Engagement Coordinator. She is here to identify new resources for Holyoke Public Schools.
If you are near to Sullivan School in Holyoke I’m looking for Community Partners for the School Site Council. I’m Adriana Colon (FACE Coordinator)
Karen Legacy: US Attorney’s Office
Nothing to Report
Ed: Next meeting is 10/14. If you participated in the Back to School event thanks to everyone for their hard work. “It was collaboration and we needed everyone we had”. Asked Alan to send flyer for Tag Sale.
From the Chat:
Cynthia Santiago: Good morning everyone. I am Cynthia Santiago-Community Liaison from Caregiver Homes. Attached you will find an invitation about our new CE session we will be holding on October 27th.The topic of this session is Identifying Health Related Social Needs with Telehealth Tools. Please feel free to reach out with any questions if you’d like at my email or call me at: (413) 272-9175. My email address is csantiago@caregiverhomes
Angelie Vargas / Freelancer/ Graphic Designer/ CEO- AngizArt/
Emily Matney~ Gandara Center Supportive Housing Programs. Our program offers affordable housing and provides case management services for individuals and families in recovery from SUD. THRIVE
Old Business / New Business
Next Meeting is Thursday, October 14, 2021 (ZOOM)
Close Meeting 2:30pm
Contact Information:
Edward Caisse
Hampden County Sheriff’s Department
(413) 858-0225
Friend Request us on Facebook @ Shsni Holyoke